Tuesday, September 24, 2013


          Up until now I feel that my blogs have been bubbly and light. Cheerful and funny. The reflection of my personality. In case the title wasn't enough warning, this blog's tone is completely different.

          I had my first college exam this evening. Chemistry. And let me tell you, it kicked my ass. Going into it I felt relatively prepared. But when I read the first question about significant figures I had no recollection of anything I learned. Everything just went blank. The simplest question and I couldn't even answer it. I know what significant figures are, I know how to convert from grams to moles to atoms. Why then, can I not take a damn test?!

        After taking my test I got a call from an ex of mine. He was saying how I have changed so much and I don't put my studies first and I go out too much on the weekends. He said I had an amazing opportunity right in front of me and I was abusing it and taking it for granted. He told me if I kept my ways up I would be sorry because I would lose my opportunity or see somebody else lose it and then I would get a reality check and realize that he was right. Moral of the conversation, he is disappointed in me and that really gets to me and makes me feel awful. But I'm just so confused...

          I'm probably going to regret being this vulnerable, and it's so easy to just let it all out over the internet. I guess this is just another mistake I can add to the list.

          On the bright side, so you actually have something to comment off of, I'm going home this weekend. Hopefully it's low key and I can get all of my homework done and maybe even get ahead. Maybe it will be good to sleep in my old bed and not have as many distractions of temptations around.


  1. I remember my first chemistry test and how overwhelmed I felt after finishing it! Totally different from high school. Home is good. It's Family Weekend this weekend at VT, so I'm sure a lot of family will be coming up to see their children. Keep your head up in Chemistry. I'm a Biochemistry major, Chemistry minor so if you have any questions, I can try to help?

  2. Chemistry is still the class that I despised the most of anything I've taken so far. Don't feel too bad though, I actually did awful on all my chemistry tests and still ended up with a B. Although it was at my old school, I received a 48%, 60%, and 60%. Trust me, the little points from lab and homework add up and doing well on the final can come a long way. Just don't get too frustrated, you only have to deal with it for one semester as opposed to a whole year like you would've in high school.

  3. Chemistry sucks, I couldn't take that class to save my life, so good job to you for taking this stressful class. Life can be a reality check, and sometimes it's not for the better. Going home and relaxing a little bit will definitely fix you up. I hope that your time with your parents was great.
