Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I was Sober, I Swear!

          Well this weekend was jam packed with activities (if you know what I'm talking about!) The main event was the football game and everything seemed to revolve around that, but rightfully so! Being at Lane as a Freshman with season tickets was AWESOME! Though I did get a sunburn tattoo of a VT on my face, it was the best first game ever!
          Some people are into partying and drinking, others aren't and that's really okay! As long as you're comfortable. Lots of activities happened this weekend and personally none of them involved homework. Classic college student, procrastinating. I left my homework day for Sunday which I now know is never a good choice.
          I was up until 3:30am on Sunday taking care of my friend who was an absolute wreck. That is true friendship and I really didn't mind it! So anyways it was a late night and the next morning my friends came into my dorm room to wake me up. Background story: my room mate's boyfriend goes to Radford so she's always there on the weekends which actually makes me really happy because I like having the room to myself. Also, apparently I left my door unlocked while I was sleeping, so I woke up to my four girlfriends in my room literally dragging me out of my lofted bed. Dangerous, please don't try! Throughout the day I worked on homework and was somewhat productive.
          Later my room mate finally came back from Radford and I was studying in my room. She wanted to Skype her parents so I went down to the study lounge, I also needed a change of scenery. I was in the lounge with my friend Laura and we took a study break. I was blasting Rock Yo Head by Tech N9ne and going absolutely crazy. Yes, I was sober, keep that in mind. I was dancing on a chair and thought it would be a good idea to try to jump to the windowsill. Needless to say that was not a good idea, I completely missed and fell hitting my elbow and landing hard on my right hand. It hurt so freaking badly, but instead of tears I couldn't stop laughing!! I ended up really bruising my hand, it was super swollen and blue and I couldn't write yet I still had homework to do.
          The reason I tell you I was sober is because every person I told/ who heard the story thought I was drunk. Nope, these are the decisions I make on a regular basis! So I guess the moral of my story is to not jump onto a windowsill. Don't follow in my footsteps.


  1. That was one heck of a weekend then, eh? The football game was amazing, I hope you liked the Corps of Cadets entrance. Now you see what happens to your schoolwork if you go to parties... nothing. I say that you should pick a day of the week to just sit down away from distractions and do homework. Thursday or Friday seems good so that way you have it done before the big games or just to have it finished before you go have a good time at a party. I'm glad you didn't leave your friend out to dry, I thank you for that because most people don't care about others. Maybe you learned a lesson from this and it won't happen again... don't stand on chairs and rock out to music! Haha. The real moral of the story is to have Time management skills and not do things at the last second. Glad you had a fun time though.

    1. Good story. Some of the best times in college are on weekends, but be safe. I feel you on the Sunday study day, but I try to make it work. Thursday and Friday are my go out days, Saturday is recovery day, and Sunday is get stuff done! I think it's awesome that you started bumping music in a study lounge, not caring who was around. Good for you. Also, good luck on our editorials due these next two weeks!

  2. Hahaha that sounds like one of the most entertaining study sessions I've ever heard of, nice work! But yeah I know where you're coming from with the whole room to yourself deal. One of my roommates last year was always in his girlfriends dorm so my other roommate and I constantly felt like we had so much extra space on the weekends. It really is pretty great. Cherish it because there is a high chance that one day you'll have a roommate that wakes up and plays house music on the speakers at 10 in the morning to wake up his roommates like I did this morning. Have a great, homework filled, Sunday!
