Friday, September 20, 2013


          First of all I would like to point out that I finally figured out how to title my blog, yay!! You should all be proud of me! Second, I'm in the mood to rant. I apologize in advance because I am the only girl in the group and you probably don't want to hear about my problems. That being said, because I am the only girl in the group I feel like you are not exposed to girl rants and I feel the need to include you in this wonderful experience! But I'll try to make it as funny as I can.

          My room mate's name is Jenn. She has never been away from home for more than a night, like she has never even had a double sleepover! Her boyfriend goes to Radford and he lived with her for a majority of this past year. She Skypes her family every night which is fine. What is not fine is that you can hear her half way down the hall with the door CLOSED! Like excuse me, I'm trying to study and you're yelling at a fucking computer screen. Can you not? The best (and when I say best I mean worst) is when she talks to her dog, Peanut. I'm fine with dogs, I like dogs, I have a dog. But what geeks me is that every time she talks to him she talks to him in they typical-girl-baby-voice-talking-to-a-puppy. Fine, okay whatever. But you can hear her down the fucking hall!! All she says is Peanut in a high pitched voice. No joke, it sounds like shes having a fucking orgasm. WHAT THE HELL?! I even had somebody ask me if she was having sex in our room. I'm shaking my head right now and I'm sure you are too. But hopefully you're laughing too!

          Okay I think that's my rant for now. Thanks for putting up with it, I tried to make it short! Have a great weekend and GO HOKIES!!!


  1. Well you definitely managed to keep me entertained! Hope you guys come to reach a compromise so that you won't have to deal with that for too long. It is kind of funny though. On the bright side, this kind of thing always makes for easy conversation come Thanksgiving break when every relative you have wants to know everything about your time at school. Because they WILL ask about your roommate. I can assure you of that.

  2. Wow... Well, to first point out, your roommate is a little weird. I haven't heard a girl rant about things, it is definitely a first time. I'm so glad that i'm not in the civilian dorms, I think I would go crazy from hearing that all the way down the hall. This was a first time for listening to a girl rant about things, and I have to say, it was quite entertaining.

  3. That's funny! I've heard horror stories about roommates before, I actually lived one once. The roommate, apparently, had been without "action" for awhile, so he took it upon himself to take care of this urge by himself. The problem was that I was in the room. Ugh!!! Anyway, feel free to rant away. This was so much fun to read and hope she learns to tone it down.
