Tuesday, September 3, 2013

'The More the Murrayer'

A Little Bit About ME!

         As my first true blog I just wanted to introduce myself. Yes, since we are Freshman this seems to be the only conversation we ever have: My name is Madeline Murray but I go by Maddie. My major is Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise. I'm from Stafford, Virginia (some people consider that NOVA, so I guess I'll just say that) and I live in O'Shag. Blah, blah, blah.
         Hopefully you will find some things about me interesting. I am the oldest of four girls and I grew up in a military family. Though most of my life I have lived in Stafford, I have lived in North Carolina and Okinawa, Japan. I have visited Italy, Singapore, Thailand, and most recently Canada.

         The past two summers I was selected to participate in a Leadership Development Program (LDP) off Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. It was a two month commitment for two summers and focused on community service, personal and group leadership, spiritual growth, physical challenges, and more. The first year we went on a six day hike on the AT (Appalachian Trail) with a twenty four hour solo in the woods. I became a certified lifeguard and also paddled 126 miles in a canoe down the Allagash Wilderness Waterway in Maine (a ten day canoe trip). This past summer my fellow LDP's and I planned and led a five day hike in the White Mountains, took another ten day canoe trip in the Chibougamau Region in Canada, visited Quebec City, participated in a forty eight hour solo, and completed a 3.1 mile swim in an hour and forty four minutes. Wow that's pretty wilderness heavy!!

The "Rattlesnake Swim": Started from the tip of the island in the middle that looks like a rattlesnake. Ended in the cove on the bottom right of the picture. You actually can't see the "finish line".

         Aside from being a seemingly wilder-woman, I like to put makeup on and meet new people! I am so excited to be a Hokie and can't wait to see what freshman year has in store for me!!

Always remember to laugh with your friends,
they will be there to catch you whenever
you fall.


  1. Sounds like you have had some fun but I'm sure tiring summers. I've done a bike trail on part of the Appalachian Trail and it's so pretty. Also really jealous you've been to Canada. I hear the sights are breathtaking and going up there is definitely on my bucket list. Have fun meeting new people this year. Trust me, there is no funner year than your freshman year.

  2. Dang. As an Eagle Scout I thought I had covered a lot of the wilderness bases but you've evidently taken it to a whole new level. All that travelling sounds like one hell of an experience, although I'm sure the frequent change in environment was not always so ideal. I'm sure some of the outdoor attractions around Southwest Virginia helped attract you to Tech as well. Anyways, looking forward to reading your blogs (I think writing on the different regions you lived in would be fascinating) and hope your freshman year turns out to be all that you've imagined.
