Wednesday, October 23, 2013


          No this isn't about throw-up, that's just nasty. This week Tech plays Duke, and my family calls them "Puke". I'm super excited for this game for a couple of reasons; 1. because it is a 3:30 kickoff, 2. because my family is coming, and 3. because my grandparents are also coming!

          Finally a later kickoff time! This makes me happy, but it's not like I'll be sleeping in Saturday anyways because my family will want to do things like go out to breakfast, tailgate, and walk around campus with me as their personal tour guide!

          My family is coming, like I said, and I am so excited for them to experience a Tech football game. My dad is a Redskins fan and my mom is a Bears fan so they have been to their fair share of NFL games. My dad played football in college and high school, and my parents have come to my high school to watch the team play occasionally. However, I think you could all agree with me that Tech football games are unreal and cannot be compared to NFL, high school, or even other college games. The atmosphere is so alive, the students are crazy, and we have a wonderful representation of alumni! I just can't wait for them to experience it!!

          My grandparents are also coming and they have never been to Blacksburg before so we are all excited about that. They have 18 grand-kids and two more on the way. I am the oldest so this is an experience for them as well. Even though they went through the college process several times with their own kids I think it's cool they are here to go through mine as well. I love my grandparents, I'm super close with them and I love sharing parts of my life with them. I'm so glad they are able to make it down to see me, my school, and be apart of the best college football fans!

          YAY! This weekend is going to be fun and I can't wait!!


  1. We as the Corp of Cadets crowd are going to be the loudest ones at the game, we usually always are. I hope that you spend a good time with family, and that sucks that you can't sleep in. Oh well, you can sleep in any day you feel like without being dragged out of bed by Cadre. Football!

  2. Commenting on this blog after the game sucks. Even though the game didn't turn out the way we would have hoped, I hope your family had an enjoyable stay in Blacksburg. Maybe the next game they come to, VT will actually get the win!

  3. The games really are something special. My brother came into town and experienced his first Tech game this weekend, too! He was in awe at how grand and loud it all was. Too bad the game was so dull and misery filled. Who knows, if Cody could kick field goals maybe we'd still be ranked!
