Tuesday, September 24, 2013


          Up until now I feel that my blogs have been bubbly and light. Cheerful and funny. The reflection of my personality. In case the title wasn't enough warning, this blog's tone is completely different.

          I had my first college exam this evening. Chemistry. And let me tell you, it kicked my ass. Going into it I felt relatively prepared. But when I read the first question about significant figures I had no recollection of anything I learned. Everything just went blank. The simplest question and I couldn't even answer it. I know what significant figures are, I know how to convert from grams to moles to atoms. Why then, can I not take a damn test?!

        After taking my test I got a call from an ex of mine. He was saying how I have changed so much and I don't put my studies first and I go out too much on the weekends. He said I had an amazing opportunity right in front of me and I was abusing it and taking it for granted. He told me if I kept my ways up I would be sorry because I would lose my opportunity or see somebody else lose it and then I would get a reality check and realize that he was right. Moral of the conversation, he is disappointed in me and that really gets to me and makes me feel awful. But I'm just so confused...

          I'm probably going to regret being this vulnerable, and it's so easy to just let it all out over the internet. I guess this is just another mistake I can add to the list.

          On the bright side, so you actually have something to comment off of, I'm going home this weekend. Hopefully it's low key and I can get all of my homework done and maybe even get ahead. Maybe it will be good to sleep in my old bed and not have as many distractions of temptations around.

Friday, September 20, 2013


          First of all I would like to point out that I finally figured out how to title my blog, yay!! You should all be proud of me! Second, I'm in the mood to rant. I apologize in advance because I am the only girl in the group and you probably don't want to hear about my problems. That being said, because I am the only girl in the group I feel like you are not exposed to girl rants and I feel the need to include you in this wonderful experience! But I'll try to make it as funny as I can.

          My room mate's name is Jenn. She has never been away from home for more than a night, like she has never even had a double sleepover! Her boyfriend goes to Radford and he lived with her for a majority of this past year. She Skypes her family every night which is fine. What is not fine is that you can hear her half way down the hall with the door CLOSED! Like excuse me, I'm trying to study and you're yelling at a fucking computer screen. Can you not? The best (and when I say best I mean worst) is when she talks to her dog, Peanut. I'm fine with dogs, I like dogs, I have a dog. But what geeks me is that every time she talks to him she talks to him in they typical-girl-baby-voice-talking-to-a-puppy. Fine, okay whatever. But you can hear her down the fucking hall!! All she says is Peanut in a high pitched voice. No joke, it sounds like shes having a fucking orgasm. WHAT THE HELL?! I even had somebody ask me if she was having sex in our room. I'm shaking my head right now and I'm sure you are too. But hopefully you're laughing too!

          Okay I think that's my rant for now. Thanks for putting up with it, I tried to make it short! Have a great weekend and GO HOKIES!!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I was Sober, I Swear!

          Well this weekend was jam packed with activities (if you know what I'm talking about!) The main event was the football game and everything seemed to revolve around that, but rightfully so! Being at Lane as a Freshman with season tickets was AWESOME! Though I did get a sunburn tattoo of a VT on my face, it was the best first game ever!
          Some people are into partying and drinking, others aren't and that's really okay! As long as you're comfortable. Lots of activities happened this weekend and personally none of them involved homework. Classic college student, procrastinating. I left my homework day for Sunday which I now know is never a good choice.
          I was up until 3:30am on Sunday taking care of my friend who was an absolute wreck. That is true friendship and I really didn't mind it! So anyways it was a late night and the next morning my friends came into my dorm room to wake me up. Background story: my room mate's boyfriend goes to Radford so she's always there on the weekends which actually makes me really happy because I like having the room to myself. Also, apparently I left my door unlocked while I was sleeping, so I woke up to my four girlfriends in my room literally dragging me out of my lofted bed. Dangerous, please don't try! Throughout the day I worked on homework and was somewhat productive.
          Later my room mate finally came back from Radford and I was studying in my room. She wanted to Skype her parents so I went down to the study lounge, I also needed a change of scenery. I was in the lounge with my friend Laura and we took a study break. I was blasting Rock Yo Head by Tech N9ne and going absolutely crazy. Yes, I was sober, keep that in mind. I was dancing on a chair and thought it would be a good idea to try to jump to the windowsill. Needless to say that was not a good idea, I completely missed and fell hitting my elbow and landing hard on my right hand. It hurt so freaking badly, but instead of tears I couldn't stop laughing!! I ended up really bruising my hand, it was super swollen and blue and I couldn't write yet I still had homework to do.
          The reason I tell you I was sober is because every person I told/ who heard the story thought I was drunk. Nope, these are the decisions I make on a regular basis! So I guess the moral of my story is to not jump onto a windowsill. Don't follow in my footsteps.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

'The More the Murrayer'

A Little Bit About ME!

         As my first true blog I just wanted to introduce myself. Yes, since we are Freshman this seems to be the only conversation we ever have: My name is Madeline Murray but I go by Maddie. My major is Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise. I'm from Stafford, Virginia (some people consider that NOVA, so I guess I'll just say that) and I live in O'Shag. Blah, blah, blah.
         Hopefully you will find some things about me interesting. I am the oldest of four girls and I grew up in a military family. Though most of my life I have lived in Stafford, I have lived in North Carolina and Okinawa, Japan. I have visited Italy, Singapore, Thailand, and most recently Canada.

         The past two summers I was selected to participate in a Leadership Development Program (LDP) off Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. It was a two month commitment for two summers and focused on community service, personal and group leadership, spiritual growth, physical challenges, and more. The first year we went on a six day hike on the AT (Appalachian Trail) with a twenty four hour solo in the woods. I became a certified lifeguard and also paddled 126 miles in a canoe down the Allagash Wilderness Waterway in Maine (a ten day canoe trip). This past summer my fellow LDP's and I planned and led a five day hike in the White Mountains, took another ten day canoe trip in the Chibougamau Region in Canada, visited Quebec City, participated in a forty eight hour solo, and completed a 3.1 mile swim in an hour and forty four minutes. Wow that's pretty wilderness heavy!!

The "Rattlesnake Swim": Started from the tip of the island in the middle that looks like a rattlesnake. Ended in the cove on the bottom right of the picture. You actually can't see the "finish line".

         Aside from being a seemingly wilder-woman, I like to put makeup on and meet new people! I am so excited to be a Hokie and can't wait to see what freshman year has in store for me!!

Always remember to laugh with your friends,
they will be there to catch you whenever
you fall.