Friday, November 22, 2013

Our Dis-functional Family

            I have really enjoyed the time we have all spent together as a "dis-functional family" in English. I think Professor Sanders referred to that, but maybe not. That's kinda what I think of and I love it. I love that the class is small and that we had to break up into groups. That really helped me get to know you guys. Also, as annoying as these blogs might be, they are so cool because you get to learn interesting things about each other. I also think it's cool Adam asked for help with finding a present for his girlfriend!

            I only wish we could have all gotten to know each other to hear more funny stories like Santino's. That was crazy. My personal story, I thought of this as you were presenting Andrew, involves China as well. Junior year prom I really wanted to have a yellow prom dress. Not an obnoxious color, a pretty pastel or something. So I was online shopping and found this one which I really liked. My mom and I ended up ordering it, and once we had placed the order the delivery date was something ridiculous like a month. Further research showed that we had ordered the dress from China. Meanwhile, I was being bombarded with spam emails.

            My dress finally came and I was so excited! When I went to try it on it was soooo tight. It was like I was wearing a corset. The zipper barely functioned and it was hard to get in and out of the dress. Finally on prom night I got all ready, blah blah blah, and it was so fun! I came home from the dance to change into more comfortable clothes but I could not get my dress off. I had to wake my parents up because I didn't know what to do. They worked on the zipper for about 10 minutes when my dad finally got fed up and grabbed a knife he uses to cut deer with when he shoots them (fillet?). He literally cut the dress off my body, it was crazy. So that is my prom dress from China story. Have a great break, it has been so fun getting to know all of you!! :)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Extreme Makeover: Dorm Edition

          This weekend everyone on my hall seemed to be rearranging their rooms. For a while now I have wanted a change, and sometimes I even get bored and wish I could rearrange and try different styles or arrangements. Unfortunately the room isn't big enough for that, and there are only so many styles you can try if your room mate doesn't want things to change.

          When I came to college I wanted my bed lofted as high as it could go. Well that was a little too high, so my dad graciously moved my bed lower. Then it was too low and I didn't like it, so we moved it higher once again. I had set up a majority of my room when I realized it was such a struggle to get up. My dad again moved my bed down but gave me a hard time because I was so picky. Yes I was a little adamant about how exactly I wanted my bed to be, but I saw it as my dad will never get this chance again! Once all the major things were in place I took the classic college girl dorm room pic and put it on Instagram.


          Today I was relatively unproductive, except for the fact that I rearranged my entire room and cleaned absolutely everything. Now, when I say my entire room I just mean my side. And actually, technically the only thing I changed was that I lowered my bed. It was nice the way it was, but it started to become a hassle climbing up and getting down, and it prevented other people from getting to my bed too which is nice until I actually want some company. Having my bed lofted also proved the theory that "hot things rise and cold things sink". Since the heater has been on I have been suffocating and dying from the stuffy room and lack of cool air. Though I'm next to the window and have always had it open, the air doesn't actually come into the room

          To fix these problems and to amuse myself by rearranging, I lowered my bed and rearranged the things underneath the bed. I am beyond excited to sleep in my bed tonight with the windows cracked and a new view of my room. This is my redecorated room, you all are probably rolling your eyes seeing how excited this has made me, but its okay! You all are also now experts when it comes to what my room looks like, haha! I was really excited to blog about this, hopefully it wasn't too painful to read! Pictures always make it better though :)


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pitch Perfect

            As you may be able to guess by the title I have literally just finished watching Pitch Perfect. I'm hoping you all have seen it because I think it is an excellent movie! I'm really good at quoting movies, yes I'm that girl. My best one is Cheaper by the Dozen because I used to watch it all the time as a kid. But back to Pitch Perfect, I can't sing, but if I could I have always envisioned myself as Beca. If you haven't seen the movie this won't make sense to you. Basically she is "alternative" and independent to the traditionally perfect looking pop singing all female a cappella group. She speaks her mind and doesn't care about what other people think about her. She is also really good at mixing songs and I only wish I had that talent!

            Speaking of music, for the first time today I walked across the drillfield with headphones in. But not just any headphones, Beats! I absolutely love my headphones, and they will definitely come in handy with these cold months approaching because they keep my ears super warm! The other thing I love about them is that they are noise-proof which is an amazing feature. As I was walking I found myself walking faster to the beat of the song, and I felt like there was nobody else around me. It was such a great feeling. But sometimes I get these looks, like "what is that white girl doing wearing beats? She's probably listening to boy bands." But I like to keep people guessing, they don't even have a clue..!